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Stroller Vs Pram

Mar 23, 2024Mar 23, 2024

Stroller Vs Pram is a battle of the ages... here's what you need to know

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Stroller Vs Pram, deciding which to buy can be a predicament for some parents. And we know that knowledge is power, so we've collated everything you need to know to make an informed choice.

With a new arrival comes a new decision; how to choose the best pram for your needs and your baby's needs, and it can be a little daunting. There's a huge array of options on offer covering a range of budgets, technology, and cool aesthetics. Choosing the best method of transportation for your baby can get even more complicated do you need a pram or a pushchair (also known as a stroller)?

Mum-of-two, Jas tells us; "I was clueless with my first and bought a pram that didn't do much so only used it for 9 months, before switching out for one that could change as my son grew. I wish I'd looked into it a bit more, to be honest."

If you need to know if a pram or stroller is more suited to a particular age, we have the lowdown on this to save you time researching. Once you're armed with the knowledge to take the plunge and buy, we've included an important pram and stroller safety checklist to go through - further reducing the stress of keeping your little one safe. You might even like to consider adding some pram or stroller toys to provide extra entertainment and stimulation while you're out and about. To make this decision easier, we've outlined the differences between a pram and a stroller, along with everything you need to know about each before making that all-important purchase.

A pram is sturdier than a stroller and suitable for newborn and young babies to be carried flat. A stroller is more lightweight, and suited to older babies and toddlers.

A pram will be considerably durable, with a reclinable seat allowing very young babies to be transported laying flat. The reclining seat can often be altered to forward-facing, or facing the parent or person pushing. Prams sometimes feature a multi-system approach, where a car seat can be attached to the frame or swapped out to a carrycot or other reclined surface, and can be designed to easily navigate difficult terrain - these are often referred to as 3-in-1, 2-in-1, or travel systems, depending on the features included.

A stroller is suited to older babies and toddlers, and is generally lighter and easier to fold. Although prams generally fold flat too, a stroller will fold compactly and take up much less space in car boots and cupboards. Strollers are usually less sturdy than prams, and cheaper to purchase; they are unsuitable for those seeking adventure, as they won't easily glide over surfaces other than pavements. There is no parent-facing option with strollers either, with the older baby or toddler always facing forward.

Strollers are more basic than prams, usually coming in full-sized, lightweight, or double editions for multiples.

A full-sized stroller will be large and durable, and the most popular option. These will generally see your older baby or toddler through until they can walk longer distances and it's no longer required. However, weight restrictions remain and if your little one is heavier or resists walking until they're older, you'll need to make sure they haven't gone over the weight restriction. Strollers generally don't offer a lay-flat recline, but the back will drop back a little to allow some stroller snoozing.

Lightweight, or travel strollers, are the perfect option for taking on holiday and fold easily and quickly to take up a very small amount of space on the bus or train. Some even come with shoulder straps, folding up into the size of a small bag to be thrown easily over your shoulder. These do tend to be very basic, and strollers in general can be harder to manoeuvre than prams. Lightweight strollers usually have thinner wheels, making for a bumpier ride with less shock absorbance.

Things to consider when buying a stroller:

As well as prams that move between being forward or parent-facing and travel system prams, all-terrain and jogging prams are available.

Single frame prams that come with a carrycot, car seat, and ability to turn into an upright position, are generally referred to as 3 in 1 systems. There is also a 2 in 1 option, allowing transformation of the carrycot into an upright seat. A travel system pram allows parents to simply remove the seat or carrycot altogether, replacing it with a car seat. This is perfect for transferring a snoozing infant from the car and straight to the pram without disturbing them.

All terrain pushchairs are fantastic for those who want to carry on experiencing an adventurous life, with a little one along for the ride. Robust, and often (although definitely not always) three-wheeled, all-terrain prams are designed to keep babies safe across multiple terrains. Look for dual suspension if this option is for you, which will provide extra support for the tiny adventurer in your life. Tyres should be puncture-proof, because nobody wants to be caught short with a flat tyre while ascending a hill or navigating a coastal path walk.

Jogging prams are large and stable, keeping babies comfortable over long distances and varying terrain; unlike other prams, babies under 6 months shouldn't be placed in jogging prams - they may even be unsafe for those under 12 months depending on user activity level. These prams are always three-wheeled, with specially designed wheels to bear the brunt of any impact. The large frame and wheels can be difficult to fold and manoeuvre, meaning they don't make a good everyday mode of transportation and can be difficult to fit inside shops and smaller spaces.

Things to consider when buying a pram:

Babies can be moved from a pram to a stroller at around six-months old, or when they have the ability to sit up unaided.

Once a baby control their head movements and sit on their own, it is safe to switch them to a stroller if you wish. If a baby doesn't yet have that level of control over their head and neck, being in an upright position can present serious problems. There is a chance their head could fall forwards, placing pressure on their windpipe; if this occurs, breathing can become compromised and oxygen levels can drop.

Being in a seated position without being able to stop their head rolling forward can also place unwanted pressure on the chest and lungs. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen, caused by pressure placed on the windpipe and chest area can result in suffocation. Laying flat until the parent is confident in the baby's ability to support their head, is important for breathing and well-being.

For more information on the best travel strollers we have a comprehensive guide, while making journeys with your baby has never been easier, with this handy information about the best baby car seats. For the money savers among you, one mum shares why she'd never spend more than £400 on a pram - parents and experts weigh in with their thoughts on the matter.

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Lucy is a multi-award nominated writer and blogger with six years’ experience writing about entertainment, parenting and family life. Lucy has contributed content to PopSugar and In the last three years, she has transformed her passion for streaming countless hours of television into specialising in entertainment writing. There is now nothing she loves more than watching the best shows on television and telling you why you should watch them.

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Stroller Vs Pram, deciding which to buy can be a predicament for some parents. And we know that knowledge is power, so we've collated everything you need to know to make an informed choice.A pram is sturdier than a stroller and suitable for newborn and young babies to be carried flat. A stroller is more lightweight, and suited to older babies and toddlers.Strollers are more basic than prams, usually coming in full-sized, lightweight, or double editions for multiples.Things to consider when buying a stroller:Age of the baby or toddlerLifestyle StorageBudget Ease of useEasy to cleanHinges and sharp edgesHidden extrasWheel qualitySafety requirement -As well as prams that move between being forward or parent-facing and travel system prams, all-terrain and jogging prams are available.Things to consider when buying a pram:Longevity BudgetFeaturesThe age of the babyOlder siblings Storage space AccessoriesEasy to clean Smooth ride Safety requirementBabies can be moved from a pram to a stroller at around six-months old, or when they have the ability to sit up unaided. Video of the Week